Six Weeks To Fitness

In this video, Oliver Nam shares his vast expertise on how to get fit and stay fit in your 40s and beyond. He is the owner and operator of Thrive Training in Irvine, California, and his specialty is working with adults over 40 years of age. Oliver is also the author of “Fitness Over 40: A Blueprint Workout.” Oliver Nam believes that everyone should be able to get up and down from the ground without pain and be able to pick up their kids or grandkids without throwing out their back. 

His goal at Thrive Training in Irvine is to help you sleep better, have better posture, body awareness, and balance and to ultimately have more time for your family.

Oliver Nam has been training since 2005, receiving his certificates from National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and NCCPT (National Council for Certified Personal Trainers). After receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree from UC Irvine in 2004, he decided to leverage his love of sports and body mechanics into a career suitable for him. And with his experience in the Physical Therapy field for 5 years, he includes this knowledge in his everyday programs for each one of his members. As with the “Growth Mindset” culture of Thrive Training in Irvine, Oliver continually learns new methods alongside his team of instructors; Sean Bjelland, Jarren Kitchens, Joseph Martinez, Joan Le and Courtney Tarango. He also works alongside Thrive’s Registered Dietitian, Whitney Lynott R.D. and Danielle Insley as the office manager.

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