Sun, 23 January 2022
Bryce Henson is a fitness expert, coach, author, and inspirational leader. He is also the CEO of Fit Body Bootcamp. The world's fastest growing fitness bootcamp franchise. Having over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry and owning two Fit Body Bootcamp locations. Bryce's passion is spreading fitness to the world. He is mentoring fitness professionals on how to grow their fitness business and change more lives in their local communities. Bryce also co-leads a Fitness Body Bootcamp Mastermind Group. Vince Ferguson: Bryce, thank you for coming on the show and giving us some of your time. But before we discuss Fit Body Bootcamp, tell my listeners and viewers, where did you grow up and what was your childhood like? Bryce Henson: Yeah, so I'm a California guy now, but I grew up actually in the Midwest, in the state of Michigan and shoot, I feel blessed to be able to grow up in the first world, like probably most of your audience, but it was actually quite a turbulent young childhood. And actually I say that I'm from the Midwest. The first 10 years I spent in Atlanta, Georgia and living with my mom, my dad, and two other siblings so three kids. And my dad unfortunately, was a drug addict, an alcoholic and addicted to gambling. So not necessarily conducive to a good family upbringing Vince Ferguson: Yes. Bryce Henson: And the verbal abuse eventually became physical. So even though it was, or I guess at the time, I like to refer this as it was a blessing disguised as tragedy. As it turns out, the abuse became physical and my mom, by the grace of God, escaped with her life and her three kids. And we shot up to Michigan to live with her family, her mom, my grandmother for the better part of 10 years. Bryce Henson: And while that was a very challenging turbulent childhood, it taught me a lot of lessons on work ethic and on drive and family values. So that was kind of my base. And then eventually ended up graduating from college, moved to California and got into the fitness industry, which I'm sure we'll talk about. Vince Ferguson: Oh, most definitely. Well, was there a time in your life where you were not fit? You look great. Tell me. Bryce Henson: Well, thank you. Absolutely. And I guess that latter part of my childhood when we escaped, if you will, to Michigan in the Midwest. It's a great place to live incredible people, very compassionate, but not necessarily the fitness capital of the world. So I put myself through school. I'm a graduate of Michigan State and while I graduated, I took it seriously. I definitely was not a fitness guy. So my staple of my diet was Taco Bell, fast food, a lot of keg parties in youth. So as is common for college kids, but there I was about 21 years of age when I graduated and then ended up getting a job in Los Angeles which moved me to California. And at that point, we'll kind of talk about it, I'm sure, but I wasn't fit. While I was excited to be in California, the palm trees, the blue skies, the sunshine. Vince Ferguson: Yeah. Bryce Henson: I was 21, had very little work experience, job experience. I had 20 pounds of body fat, very little muscle in my body. And if I'm being honest with you, Vince I had more dark days than good, just because of my lack of fitness. Vince Ferguson: Hmm. Wow. But what was the aha moment for you that put you on the path to getting healthy? Bryce Henson: Yeah. Yeah. Great question. So after I landed in Southern California and Los Angeles, and like I said, I mean, it wasn't all drear and career. Certainly there were some benefits, but because I went through a very challenging point. I wasn't confident, didn't have the assertiveness or the vibrancy, the energy that I do now. And it all came to a lack of fitness. So, after living in LA like that for probably about a year and a half, a fortuitous situation happened. A close friend of mine that I went to college with moved to Southern California, and we ended up living together. And it took me about probably a few months before I mustered up enough courage to say, "Hey, Adam, can you show me how to lift weights?" Because he wasn't on the cover of Men's Health, but he could have been. He had the six pack abs, the physique, the energy, the vibrance. All the girls loved him. I really looked up to that. Vince Ferguson: Oh yeah. Bryce Henson: So after living with him for a few months, he ended up taking me under wing his wing and that's actually what started my fitness transformation. Vince Ferguson: Nice. Nice. But now you are the CEO of Fit Body Bootcamp. How did that transition happen? Bryce Henson: Whoo! Well, that's a little bit more of a long-winded story, but if you have a few minutes, I'd be happy to share. Vince Ferguson: I'm interested. Bryce Henson: Yeah. So basically after I lived with Adam, I mustered enough courage. He said that he would work with me and introduce me to fitness, but he said, "I need you to commit to at least 90 days, Bryce, because I get this question asked so many times that very few people stick with me." So ended up committing to him. And if I'm being honest, Vince, part of me was thinking to myself in the little voice in the back of my mind, "I'm going to do what he says I'm going to do or needs me to do. And then when it doesn't work for me, at least I tried." Bryce Henson: But as it turns out, he introduced me to lifting weights, to circuit training, to clean eating, nutrition. But most importantly, which I know your viewers are getting a lot of value from, is the coaching and accountability. Because without that coaching, that accountability, that personal kind of training and accountability, I would like to look you in the eye and tell you I would be a fit guy, but I don't know if I would've. I can't do that. Bryce Henson: So as it turns out over that 90 day turned into about a six- month clip that I drastically transformed my physique. I dropped 20 pounds of fat put on 20 pounds of muscle. But more than the physique, it changed my life. I had energy, the confidence. I became the top performing sales rep in my company. And that was really the base and what introduced me to the fitness industry. But it wasn't until about two years later when I was at the gym and a couple guys came up to me and said, "Hey, man. How do you lift weights? Or what do you eat?" And a light bulb went on to me and I thought to myself, "Shoot, holy smokes, they're asking me kind of like how I leaned on Adam." Bryce Henson: So I did the logical thing and I ended up looking into a certified personal training credential through National Academy of Sports Medicine, because at the time, I never thought I would actually be a CEO of a major international fitness franchise or even go full professionally. I just thought I could keep my sales gig, which I went from the least performing sales rep to the highest performing rep, just because of my fitness transformation, which is a side story. But when people tell me, "Bryce, I can't afford to be fit." My response is, "You can't afford not to be fit. It's going to benefit every aspect of your life." Vince Ferguson: Thank you. Bryce Henson: So with that all said, after I went through that transformation, I became a certified personal trainer and I started training some clients in the nights and weekends. And I think I updated my Facebook profile to a personal trainer. And I started receiving ads from this gentleman named Bedros Keuilian. Who's now one of my dear friends and best friends. Who's the founder of Fit Body Bootcamp. And he was talking about how to grow your personal training experience and how to get more clients and get the better results. And so I started following his email probably for about two years. And it wasn't until the Spring of 2012 when I was coming back from California, because I took a little hiatus abroad. I lived in South America for a couple years, even though I was following along with the content that he was talking about Fit Body. Bryce Henson: And I decided actually, I was coming back to California. "I'm actually going to look into this fitness franchise called Fit Body Bootcamp that he's talking about." So I ended up doing the diligence and I think there was probably only about 15, 20 owners in our brand at the time, but I ended up calling every one of them and researching having conversations. And as it turns out, in the summer of 2012, decided to take a leap of faith and open my own studio, my own Fit Body Bootcamp location in Southern California. Bryce Henson: So that one location I'm happy to kind of provide more details, but was really the catalyst to me, owning multiple locations, becoming the vice president and now mid-year of last year of 2021 is when Bedros anointed me as his CEO so I can kind of continue to run and take that torch that he's built and really continue it to the future. Vince Ferguson: Wow. That's amazing, though. Congratulations on that success. Bryce Henson: Thank you. Vince Ferguson: Yes. But to be that successful, to even get the trust that you've got from Pedros, what did it take for you to get that kind of trust from him? Bryce Henson: That's an awesome question, Vince. Well, it first starts, I think, with work ethic and I learned that work ethic probably in my youth, but really developed it day in and day out at the gym. So again, that's another just really shining reason that fitness has so many other benefits of your life. Not only physically, but mentally, spiritually, emotionally. So I think that work ethic was instilled, but also accentuated through my fitness journey. I'm a guy that takes action. So, I like being in the fitness industry. Same with you, Vince, your clients, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. You can show them the way, but they have to take action. They have to do their part too. Both of you do. And I'd like to think that I did my part. Bryce Henson: So Bedros welcomed me to the brand as an owner, I joined his Mastermind Coaching Group. He gave me some orders on how to grow business, how to sell, how to get clients better results and I took action. And I did that day in and day out, week in and week out, month in and month out. And, while I've had a lot of success, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows either. I mean, I definitely had a lot of false starts and missteps and poor leadership decisions that I've learned from and really grown from. But over the years, ended up making a name for myself within the brand, ended up, again, being plugged into the Mastermind Group and really from a networking perspective, and really this is the name of the game is relationships, built a very strong relationship with Bedros. Vince Ferguson: Yeah. Bryce Henson: So that way, fast forward to 2018, when the brand was growing like a hockey stick, he knew he needed more support and infrastructure. He already knew me, liked me, trusted me. I was his coaching client. I took action. I'd grown one gym turned into many. So because of that foundational trust from a relationship perspective, it was really the last reason, I think, that he made the call to bring me in as his VP. Bryce Henson: And then I put my head down from 2018 to 2021, of course, still this to this day, but with the support of my team, the support of the franchisees and clients, made some good decisions and added more value. And when the time came with Bedros wanted to kind of step out and still be the visionary and help market the company, but also had some few other interests, it just made sense from his mind to anoint me the VIP. Being I started as an owner. I know every aspect of the business. I'm a client. I go to bootcamp three times a week. I've been the janitor of our studio. So I've seen the business inside and out. And I think that's really a big reason that I was able to fall into this role. Vince Ferguson: Most definitely. Now, who are your ideal clients for Fit Body Bootcamp? Bryce Henson: Yeah. Great question. Well, I think it's interesting because fitness has a lot of different scope to it, right? You can be a body builder, you can be into yoga, you can be into circuit training. So, for Fit Body Bootcamp, the clients that we serve are, our avatar, we call her Mrs. Jones and we do serve male clients as well. But about 80% of our clients are female. Vince Ferguson: Okay. Bryce Henson: And we don't train fitness athletes or people that are trying to shave a second off their 40 to make the NFL combine. And there's a space for that, but that's not our clientele. Our clientele is the everyday Mrs. Jones. She has a couple kids. She's overweight, probably doesn't love working out even though she needs to. Her husband doesn't look at her the same anymore. And she needs that coaching, that accountability, support, and really that's the secret sauce to our program. Bryce Henson: We're able to bring in our client avatar, Mrs. Jones, welcome her in, give her good results. Our secret sauce of our interval training program is 30 minutes. So, we like to say, even like this podcast, you can do anything for a half an hour, right? 30 minutes. Vince Ferguson: Exactly. Right. Bryce Henson: And, from there, it's not magic. Our clientele has to do the work and they have to show up at least three times a week, but also from a nutrition coaching perspective between the high-intensity interval training, between the strength and between the cardio, in addition to nutrition coaching, we can get our clients really great results. And the theme of your podcast and your line of work is six weeks. And that's really the baseline what it takes in order to kind of start seeing the transformation. Vince Ferguson: Hmm. Awesome. So all this involves training, coaching, nutrition, the whole nine, everything. Bryce Henson: That's it. And our model is not, and there's a place for every type of model. But you think of a big box gym, which is just kind of you're really just renting access to weights, but you have to figure it out. That's not our model. Our model is definitely very much coaching. It's really personal training in a group setting. So you get all the value that you would when you're hiring a one-on-one personal trainer, which there's a ton, but you do it in a group setting. So you can provide more energy, more culture, more accountability, and then for a fraction of the price and really that's our model and that's how we're able to produce incredible weight loss results, and really transformations. Not only from a physique perspective, but as you know, Vince and your audience knows from a life perspective, is fitness just changes your life. Vince Ferguson: It does. Totally. Completely. Mentally, physically, like you said, even spiritually. Bryce Henson: Yep. Vince Ferguson: Now, any of your classes are virtual? Bryce Henson: So interestingly enough, I mean, and we're all kind of going through this, hopefully at the tail of the it, COVID, but previous to COVID they weren't, actually, but one of our core values at Fit Body Bootcamp is to embrace and drive change. And thankfully we had that mentality, so we were able to pivot the whole brand literally within 24 hours and we're shooting this in early 2022, but when everything went down in March of 2020, which I can't believe, and I know you probably can't either, Vince, it's almost two years ago, which is crazy. But when everything went down, we were able to pivot to online coaching. And while that's not our bread and butter, our bread and butter is still in the gym, physical, in-person relationship training. We have made that offering. We still have a good amount of clients that actually really enjoy our virtual sessions and that coaching. Vince Ferguson: Okay. But it's starting to open up where you're having more people in house now as well as that? Bryce Henson: Yeah, exactly. And in every state, unfortunately, well, fortunately or unfortunately, is a little bit different. Just obviously the lockdowns and the regulation are depending on state and the time of this videotaping, we have about 10% of our brand is in Canada and Canada just went on another wave of lockdown. So for our Canadian owners, they're streaming now virtually which we're thankful they're able to execute and really help support them in the back end. But here for the 90% of our brand here in the US, while we still offer virtual as a kind of an add-on and additional value, we're back in the studio. We're back to group training. And just depending on the state or local jurisdiction, there might be some intricacies in capacity, but for the most part we're back in and just cranking away. Vince Ferguson: Nice. And I just got back from Arizona. I was working out every day while I was there. Now I'm back in New York. You have mandates. If you're not vaccinated, you can't work out in the gym. I'm not sure how it is in California, but how is that impacting your franchisees? Bryce Henson: Yeah, unfortunately, I mean, it is. Certainly, it's interesting looking back at this, Vince, I know you're a New York guy and I'm here at California. There's about five states that I would not have wanted to been in, in this whole situation. One's New York. Second is California, Michigan, New Jersey, Washington, to name a few. So it really just depends on the local jurisdiction, but I know New York now with the additional mandates is even more stringent than California, but we're a close second. Bryce Henson: And unfortunately it is. I know this, unfortunately, it's became a political issue, which is just mind boggling and really sad to me. But at the end of the day, I genuinely think, Vince, I know you're going to be in the same wave length, we need to start changing the conversation about instead of fear and doom and gloom, the reality of the situation, statistically speaking, obesity is the biggest pandemic that we're going through. It's killed millions of people. The World Health Organization estimates it kills nearly 3 million people a year. It's done that for over a decade and it's continuing to rise. And, of course, we see COVID patients, the ones who are at the most risk have autoimmune or immune system compromised. And specifically speaking, they're obese. Because when you're obese, your whole body, your organs, your heart, have to work exponentially harder. So I would really love that our society starts talking about changing the conversation to health, to fitness, to activity because that, in my humble opinion, will drastically change our society way more than pushing vaccines left and right. And whatever your beliefs are, my whole message is let's focus on health and fitness and that should be the focus, not sickness. Vince Ferguson: Thank you. A hundred percent. I'm a believer. That's what I'm talking about. There's less talk on health and more talk on taking certain products. But I truly believe, man, that if people focus more on being healthy and strengthening their immune system, they will not be so susceptible to these certain type of issues. And what you're doing is great because you're speaking out about obesity and about health. What should people be doing? Can the Fit Body Bootcamp help people who are obese? Bryce Henson: Absolutely. And, shoot, we're here, you know, Vince, you and I are in the service business, right? We have a big heart. We want to help people. Fitness has impacted our lives. Granted, I'm sitting here looking at, you have a great physique. Health and fitness is a very big focal point of your life as it is mine. Vince Ferguson: Yes. Bryce Henson: And yeah, I mean, we definitely help all walks of life and all people. And we definitely have a vast majority, I shouldn't say a vast majority, but a significant amount of clients that are obese and we're the solution. We're the solution to that issue. And what my recommendations are is to get at least three times a week a full body workout where you're working both strength and cardiovascular. And cardio is really good, but especially for female clients, for whatever reason, there's this stigma that lifting weights and resistance training is going to turn our clientele into the Hulk, and that's just not the case. Guys have five times the amount of testosterone that women do on average and still have a hard time putting muscle on their body without continued focus. Bryce Henson: So, we want to welcome our clients in, get them on our program at least three times a week, a full body, if not, four. Increase their water, their hydration. Increase their sleep. Make some adjustments to nutrition. And, Vince, what I like to say is, is working out and getting in the studio is the cornerstone habit. I would like it actually, and you would think, if someone doesn't work out, interestingly enough, they should actually take more focus on their nutrition. But it's the opposite. Typically, human nature and you've probably encountered this all the time, a client's, "Oh, I don't work out. Well shoot. I can just eat a tub of ice cream then and it doesn't matter." But it's actually the opposite is true, but that's the reason it's so important to get your workouts as the cornerstone habit. Because when you work out, your physiology changes. You're more inclined to actually pick up that salad instead of that cheeseburger. You start drinking a little bit more water. You sleep better, you feel better the next day. And it's just rinse and repeat. So that's really, really important to get our society working out and shoot, Vince, if our society, if the North American continent worked out three times a week, cleaned up their nutrition, increased their hydration and got to sleep, a lot of these health issues that are in the mainstream media about doom and gloom, they would simply just go away. Vince Ferguson: Yes. I call it fear porn, they're putting out there, Bryce. Bryce Henson: Fear porn. I haven't heard that, but I'm going to use that. I'm going to take that, Vince, if you're okay with it, because that's exactly what it is. Vince Ferguson: It's fear porn and it's people like yourself, myself and others who are trying to spread faith over fear. You know what I mean? And also, fitness over fear. Basically. And I like what you're doing because you're spreading the word and your mission is to actually get out there and spread this word throughout the world. And you're doing it on podcasts. You have a speaking platform. You're really out there. Vince Ferguson: But let me ask you this, what is it going to take to get the world to listen to Bryce Henson about this? Bryce Henson: Holy smokes. So that's the million dollar question. I'm here, but don't have all the answers, Vince and I'm here you as a humble servant. But what I do know is this, fitness just drastically changed my life. It's drastically changed your life, your audience, and a network of people that have benefited from this. And I feel like I have a duty, obligation, responsibility to continue the charge and our mission at Fit Body Bootcamp. the purpose, the why we do what we do is to inspire fitness and it's to change lives every day. Bryce Henson: And how I can serve is by leading my team at headquarters, by training our franchisees better, by serving our clients, by getting on podcasts like yours and just really spreading the mission. And I love that, faith over fear. Fitness over fear. Vince Ferguson: Yes. Bryce Henson: I'm going to take that with me, if you'd be so kind and continue to evangelize that because we're on the same mission and we've come a long way, but we have a long way to go as a society and we're here taking action. Vince Ferguson: Definitely. And I think the more people like you and I who get together and collaborate, we will get that message out. Vince Ferguson: Now, how is Fitness Body Bootcamp growing? Are you seeing more franchisees coming to the table? Bryce Henson: We are. And holy smokes, 2020, as you would imagine, for our industry, for the rest of that industry, was not kind. So, there was definitely some contraction and it was definitely a challenging situation to go through, but we really pride ourselves in adding up, stepping value, creating an online coaching platform within 24 hours. We were able to pivot. Show our studio owners how to execute Zoom and virtual sessions in addition to prerecording a lot of sessions in the backend so we had a big virtual content library. So we're able to really continue afloat, even though many of our locations literally had to stop operations. And especially in New York, especially in California, for an extended period of time. So while 2020 was challenging, we're still feeling the effects of this even into early 2022. The light at the end of the tunnel is we awarded 10 times the amount of franchises we did in 2021 than the previous year. Bryce Henson: And, the interest is coming back. We're on the phone with perspective owners that are interested. We just hosted our January onsite university to a handful of new owners. And so we still have a long way to go and I'm hoping the dynamic of the country and the leadership of the country really changes in a positive way as we enter into 2022, which I have some question marks on that, but that's a topic for another day. Vince Ferguson: Yes. Bryce Henson: What I do know to be true is there is some faith being restored and we feel the tailwinds are back in our favor and after rebounding and having a strong 2021, we feel very optimistic on what 2022 is going to look like even from the last few weeks. Vince Ferguson: Nice. Do you have any locations, I know you mentioned something about having locations in New York, is that correct? Bryce Henson: We do. We do. Vince Ferguson: Okay. Great. And so I can find them online, correct? Bryce Henson: Yeah. You'd want to go to our website, which is That's and for you or any of your listeners, whether you're in New York or whether you're listening to this in any part of North America, you can just put in your search where your address is and find the local fitness studio near you. We have hundreds of locations. About 90% are in the US. 10% are in Canada. So that's where you can find us. Vince Ferguson: Nice. Nice. I understand, Bryce that you hold citizenships in Portugal and the US. What's that about? Bryce Henson: Oh yeah. That's an interesting fact. So I'm American born and bred, as we discussed, but about in 2010 and I kind of talked about my fitness transformation journey and when I became a certified personal trainer. And I started coaching clients in the nights and weekends, as I mentioned, but there was a two-year gap from when I basically started that journey until I opened my first fitness studio. And as it turns out, I went on a two-year hiatus to South America. Ended up moving to a little island in Brazil called Florianopolis, Brazil, sight unseen. Growing up, I was a big sports fan and I loved Kobe Bryant. And interestingly enough, most people don't know, or many people, I should say, don't know this, but Kobe Bryant lived in Italy in his youth for six years. His dad played European ball. So he could speak fluent Italian. Vince Ferguson: Yes. Bryce Henson: And me living in Southern California, but also just being a big Kobe Bryant fan growing up, I would love it when I watched the games and watched the press conference and he'd give the interviews, but then the Italian press would stay after and they would interview him in Italian. And there Kobe Bryant is, one of the greatest basketball players of all time, speaking fluent Italian. And it really made a big impact on me. Bryce Henson: So I had that in the back of my mind that I wanted to learn a different language and I visited Brazil and I was, "You know what? This is it." So ended up moving there for two years. Through a crazy situation how the world is connected, was introduced to my wife who actually picked me up from the airport sight unseen. And that was kind of my entry to Brazil and lived there for two years, met a beautiful lady. Her name's Tatiana who became family with hers. And as it turns out, she's from Brazil, born and raised, but she has family lineage to Portugal because her family immigrated from Lisbon, Portugal to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil decades ago. Because of that, because of our union, I was able to pick up Portuguese citizenship and have been to Portugal a few times as a result. So it's just kind of an interesting fun fact through my life travels was able to acquire that. Vince Ferguson: Lovely, lovely. So you've been to Lisbon? Bryce Henson: I've been to Lisbon, on a couple different occasions and then there's a city in the north, which is a three-hour train ride which is called Porto and it's next to the Spanish border. So both are lovely, both Lisbon and Porto. If I had to pick, I'd recommend Porto, but for your audience there, if you're looking for a European vacation, especially some of the other countries like Greece and London, very beautiful, but can be very pricey. Lisbon is a very affordable alternative. It has the beach. It has the seas. It's on the Iberian Peninsula, but I highly recommend it. Vince Ferguson: I love it, man. I heard a lot of great things about Portugal and that's why I asked. I was in Brazil many years ago, so I'm familiar with Portuguese, but you're a world traveler, man, which is great. Bryce Henson: You know what? I try and through that story, but before I moved to LA, I put myself on a flight. I enrolled in a study abroad program in Asia. I put myself on a flight when I was 20 years old at Tokyo, Japan. And that just freaking rocked my world. And because of that, I was inspired and I just wanted to dedicate my life to broadening my horizons, learning languages, meeting people, connecting with people. And, of course, fitness has been a huge aspect of that as well. Vince Ferguson: Most definitely. What advice would you give to someone listening to this podcast now who may be on the fence about their health and not sure if they want to take that leap into Fit Body Bootcamp? Bryce Henson: That's it. You just got to get started. One foot in front of the other. And it feels like, it's interesting, human nature, it's when we're anticipating something very challenging, we sometimes go into analysis by paralysis and we just kind of sit in the sidelines. But what happens is when you take that first step, the other misconception is when you take that first step, which is hard, which is challenging, which is uncomfortable, human nature thinks, "Okay, if this step is hard, all the steps are going to be hard." And the fact of the matter is, that's not the case. When you take one step, it's hard. Then you take the next step, it's a little less hard. And then eventually what happens is after you put one step in front of the other, you wake up and you realize, "Holy smokes. Yeah, it's still hard, but I'm stronger. I'm better. And it's way more manageable." Bryce Henson: So my message is, it's not as hard, long term as you think it is, but you have to take that step. You have to take action and when you do, what's the famous Isaac Newton who created the laws of physics, a body in motion stays in motion. The opposite also true. A body at rest stays at rest. So if you're sitting on the sideline, staying at rest, you are not going to get moving. However, if you take that one leap of faith, you put that one foot in front of the other, a body in motion stays in motion. You're going to wake up three months or six weeks from now, three months from now, six months from now, a year from now, being "Holy smokes, Vince. I'm a different person." And that's really what you and I are trying to accomplish here. Vince Ferguson: Love it. Exactly. Exactly. Now, where can my audience find out more about Bryce Henson and Fit Body Bootcamp? I know you mentioned it earlier. Mention it again. Bryce Henson: Absolutely. I'm actually going to give you a different handle, because that was our website that I referred you to. But if you want to follow me on social, all the handles from Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and my personal website is Not to be confused with fakebrycehenson, so That's my site. And then all my social handles are the same. realbrycehenson. So that's where you can find me. And we'd love to connect with you, Vince and your audience as well. Vince Ferguson: Most definitely. Where do you see yourself, Bryce in the next five to 10 years? Bryce Henson: Oh, my friend, we are just getting started. After a really challenging 2020, 2021, the tail winds are behind us and we just have a lot of health and fitness to inspire. So what I'm looking to do is, while we have hundreds of locations throughout North America, I'm looking to make even a bigger impact, really pour into my team who can pour into our owners and pour into our clients and really inspire fitness and change in lives and change lives every day, which is our mission, which is our purpose. But really to continue to make Fit Body Bootcamp a household name so that way we can help spread health and wellness together, which is really my mission and where I see myself in the next five to 10 years. Vince Ferguson: Wonderfully said, man. I believe you're going to do it. You know what I'm saying? Bryce Henson: I appreciate that, my friend. Vince Ferguson: You're definitely going to do it. Now, I just want to say Bryce Henson on behalf of my organization, Body Sculpt of New York, that's my nonprofit that we have in New York and Six Weeks of Fitness, I truly want to thank you for coming on my show today, Bryce Henson: Vince, it was a pleasure, man. I love your energy. I love your enthusiasm. And I love what you're doing. We're on the same path here. Maybe a few different channels, but we have our hearts in the right place and I really appreciate you having me on today. Vince Ferguson: Oh, it's my pleasure, man. And to my audience, I truly hope this program was encouraging and inspiring that you will continue tuning in to my Six Weeks of Fitness podcast. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for the show, please leave them in the comments section below. And please don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any future episodes and don't forget we don't stop exercising because we grow old. We grow old because we stop exercising. |