Six Weeks To Fitness

In this episode I will be joined by Elizabeth Madison, Registered Dietitian, Nutrition & Wellness Consultant and Weight Loss Coach.  During the interview, Elizabeth will discuss her over 20 year struggle with obesity.

Elizabeth weighed 284 pounds and as a result of the weight gain, suffered with asthma, hypertension, and chronic pain in her back and knees.  After feeling some pain in her chest, Elizabeth went to see her doctor who diagnosed her with an enlarged heart related to her high blood pressure. The doctor told Elizabeth she would be dead in 5 years (before the age of 40) if she didn’t get a handle on her health. This is an amazing story on how one woman through faith and determination, changed the trajectory of her life and is now helping others to do the same.

Direct download: Episode_65_-_Elizabeth_Madison.mp3
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