Six Weeks To Fitness

Chris Manderino is a former NCAA and NFL professional athlete who pursued an opportunity to live abroad while playing football in Italy post his NFL career. He is the founder of LYFE FUEL, a whole-foods plant-based company that helps people achieve optimal health.

While in Italy, he was struck by the vast cultural differences between the Italian approach to food and the American approach. Italians, even with all the pizza, pasta and high carb lifestyle seemed a much healthier population than the US. Chris boiled it down to this striking difference: in Italy, food was simpler. The Italians used higher quality, mostly plant-based ingredients and had smaller portion sizes. His revelation inspired a career change and he ended up taking a job in the nutraceutical industry.

Later on, Chris decided to study dietary and training theories, and while most nutritionists and food experts disagreed on just about everything else, there was one thing everyone seemed to agree on: eating a plant-based diet is the most important thing you can do for your health.

Using this knowledge, Chris co-founded LYFE Fuel, where every aspect of the company is backed by science, right down to the amounts of each ingredient. Instead of simply throwing healthy ingredients together, LYFE’s products are engineered with the specific purpose of aiding absorption to make sure the body receives the full benefits of each life-sustaining nutrient.

After speaking with Chris for almost an hour, I am convinced that LYFE Fuel is one of the best plant-based nutrition products on the market, and I can’t wait to try it for myself.

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