Sun, 20 December 2015
In this episode of our Six Weeks to Fitness podcast, I will be joined by Jenelle Salazar, a Certified Personal Trainer, Nutritionist and owner of “Get Bodied By J”. During the interview, Jenelle will take us on her personal journey growing up as an overweight teen in New Mexico, having never been exposed to fresh fruit and vegetables until she was able to go grocery shopping for herself. Although Jenelle was very active in school PE, she didn’t know much about exercise so she watched Billy Blanks exercise dvds for inspiration and it wasn’t long before Jenelle decided to leave New Mexico and the many negative influences in her neighborhood, which was ravaged by heroin and crack-cocaine, and relocated to Las Vegas and enrolled into a Personal Training program which started her on the road to becoming one of the most sought after fitness trainers in the United States with over 500,000 authentic social media followers all over the world. Jenelle will also share her exercise philosophy, provide fitness tips and talk about her upcoming Get Bodied by J fitness tour. |