Six Weeks To Fitness

Are you over 50 or 60 years and have not made your health a priority yet? What are you waiting for?

We've all heard the saying, "Life is short." But how often do we truly consider the weight of those words? Life is a precious gift, a whirlwind of experiences waiting to be embraced.  Shouldn't we be doing everything we can to live it to the fullest?  That includes taking care of our health, the very foundation that allows us to explore, connect, and thrive.

Think about it: a life riddled with fatigue, aches, and illness limits our ability to experience the world. We miss out on vacation and holiday celebrations with loved ones, all because of ill health. Feeling sluggish and unhealthy can also dampen our mood and motivation, making it harder to chase our dreams and embrace new challenges and opportunities.

How are we going to manifest our dreams and ambitions if we’re sick and tired all the time?

But, here's the good news: taking charge of your health doesn't require drastic measures. Small, sustainable changes can make a big difference.

Step #1 Fuel your body: Swap sugary drinks for water, prioritize whole foods over processed options, and find healthy alternatives you actually enjoy. Your body will thank you with increased energy and a sharper mind. When is the last time you ate a piece of fruit? If I were to ask you when was the last time you ate a piece of cake, you would probably say, yesterday, but when is the last time you ate some fruit? otherwise known as nature’s candy?

Step #2 Move your body: Use it or lose it. You see, I’m part of that over 60 club, I know what happens to our bodies when we don’t use our muscles, our muscles atrophy and we become weaker.

Find activities you love, whether it's a brisk walk, a dance class, or a yoga session. Even small bursts of movement throughout the day can boost your mood and overall well-being.

Step #3 Prioritize your sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Feeling well-rested will improve your focus, energy levels, and even your immune system.

Remember, a healthy lifestyle isn't about punishment; it's about empowerment. It's about giving yourself the energy, strength, and resilience to experience all that life throws your way. It's about feeling good in your own skin and having the stamina to chase your passions.

You know, when you’re healthy, you feel independent. You can get up and go wherever you want without someone assisting you. Isn’t that what we strive for, happiness, love and independence?

Speaking of independence, have you heard of Dr. Kenneth Cooper? He pioneered the concept of aerobics in the 1960s.  For those of us of a certain age, who thought that it was Jane Fonda who started the aerobics phase, it was actually Dr. Kenneth Cooper, who now at the tender age of 92, is still working to encourage people to become physically fit, why? Because he knows that Life is too short to be unhealthy. Don't Let Your Health or lack of health Steal Your Golden Years. Look at what exercising has done for Dr. Cooper.

So, let's invest in ourselves, our bodies, and our well-being. Let's make every day an opportunity to embrace life with a healthy mind and a healthy body.  Because when we feel our best, we can truly live our best.

What are some ways you prioritize your health? Share your tips in the comments below!

And for those of you who normally watch my video to the end, you may recall my saying, “We don’t stop exercising because we grow old, we grow old because we stop exercising. Can you guess where I got that quote? It was from Dr. Kenneth Cooper, the father of Aerobics created that quote and I adopted it. Thank you Dr. Cooper!

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