Six Weeks To Fitness

We’re coming to the end of 2024 and if you still haven’t reached your Fitness goals, this video is for you! Did you know that according to the National Institute of Health 42% of adults are obese? Are you one of them? Are you waiting until 2025 when the #1 New Year’s resolution is to either get in shape or lose weight? Unfortunately, only about 8% succeed in that area.

The best way to ensure that you will lose weight in 2025 is to start working on it now in 2024. In this video, I’m going to give you the 3 steps that I would take if I wanted to lose weight and get into shape by the end of the year. The 2rd step you probably never heard of.

 When I was in the Navy, I indulged in the martial arts and other activities, so I was in very good condition and quite muscular at the time. At the tender age of 22, I was approached by one of my superior officers, who thought it was necessary to provide some unsolicited comments about my muscular physique and how by the time I reached his age of 26, I would no longer have that lean, muscular physique, I would start to look like him, out of shape and flabby. Well, decades later, I think back to that conversation and realize what he said as of this day never materialized. Why? because I made fitness a part of my life, and today, I’m going to share my expertise with you, so let’s go!

 #1 Don’t Eat Three to Four Hours Before bedtime. Your metabolism slows down at night, and eating before bedtime forces your body to digest food when it is least efficient, meaning you will store extra calories as fat, and you are loading your body up with fuel that it does not have the capacity or time to burn. This one thing can cause weight gain, especially around the midsection which is the worse place to carry fat.

 #2 Intermittent Fasting

 In my Six Weeks to Fitness programs, I discuss and strongly encourage Intermittent Fasting for weight loss and to reduce chronic disease. Intermittent fasting is nothing new. For thousands of years, it has been utilized as a healing and spiritual practice. In recent years, fasting has taken on a new direction, one that has its focus on accelerating fat loss.

With intermittent fasting, you not only losing weight, but you gain mental focus and clarity. For those of you who are not familiar with intermittent fasting, it is basically time restricted eating, in other words, you only eat during a specific time. So, it’s not really dieting, it’s just another pattern of eating, and just in case you are under the impression that you can’t fast, think again. Every human being on this planet fasts. When you go to bed at night and wake up 6, 7, 8, or more hours later, you have fasted during that length of time, and when you eat your first meal, you are breaking the fast, and that’s why it’s called “breakfast.”

There are various methods of intermittent fasting out there, but the most popular is the 16:8 intermittent fasting method. This method involves limiting your intake of foods and calorie-containing beverages to a set window of 8 hours per day. You abstain from food for the remaining 16 hours, though you’re still allowed to drink water and other no-calorie beverages, like black coffee or tea (no crème or sugar). You can choose to start your fast at 8:00 p.m. in the evening and fast until the next day at 12:00 p.m. for a total of 16 hours, after which you break the fast with a light meal. You can eat regular meals during the 8 hours and start back on your fast at 8 p.m.

What if the 16:8 intermittent fasting method doesn’t work for you because of the long fasting hours? I would suggest you try 12:12, in other words try fasting for 12 hours and have an eating window of 12 hours. Over time your body will adjust to longer fasting hours such as 14:10, 16:8. Intermittent fasting places your body in fat burning mode during the fasting phase. The first nutrient your body uses for energy is carbs, followed by fat, then protein in that order. When you limit the amount of carbs for 16 hours, your body will seek out the next energy source which is fat, and that is why this type of weight loss program is so effective.

Most people are not aware of the fact that the body heals itself while it’s in a fasting state, which is another reason why you should fast.

Let me read some quotes from some very famous historical figures from our past:

 It was Plato, who said “I fast for greater physical and mental efficiency.”

Benjamin Franklin  said “The best of all medicines is resting and fasting.” Why? You are allowing your body to rest and heal itself.

Mark Twain who said "A little starvation can really do more for the average sick man than can the best medicines and the best doctors." –

#3 “Peak 8 High Intensity Interval Training”

 High Intensity Interval training is a type of physical training that involves short bursts of high-intensity work mixed in with periods of low-intensity work. The high-intensity periods are typically near maximum exertion, while the recovery periods may involve rest or lower intensity. We have become accustomed to believing that doing some type of aerobic exercise for an hour or more is the best way to lose weight, but that’s not the case. If you go to any gym the most used equipment is the cardio equipment and the people showing the least improvement in their body composition are the same people running on the cardio machines. If you’re serious about losing weight and toning your body in a short amount of time, I highly recommend Peak 8 Interval Training. Every client I introduced to Peak 8 has seen positive results in a matter of a few short weeks and this is NO exaggeration.

This activity will put your body in fat burning mode for hours after you complete the activity. In other words, you will continue burning calories for the rest of the day.

Now that I “piqued” your interest into Peak 8 training, let’s discuss how it is performed. You can perform this exercise while walking or running or if you prefer to use equipment, a treadmill, elliptical or stationary bicycle will do just fine.

Peak 8

Start by warming up slowly for three minutes

30 seconds FLAT OUT sprint / 90 sec complete recovery (keep moving slowly)

End with a two-minute cool down

The actual sprinting totals only 4 minutes!

This type of training will put your body in fat burning mode for hours after the workout and this is why it is one of the most important tools to have in your toolbox.

There you have it! 3 Steps that are guaranteed to help you lose 10 pounds or more and will help you to get into shape before 2025.

Don’t be like everyone else waiting for January 1st only to be disappointed by February 1st, the time is now.

Let me know what you think about these steps and if you tried them. There is so much we can do to improve our health naturally and quickly, regardless of your age.

I am available for one on one coaching and virtual public speaking.

I also have an ebook called Six Weeks to A Flatter Stomach, which is based on my very popular Six Weeks to Fitness programs. It comes with my personal money back guarantee. If you don’t see a flatter stomach in 6 weeks, I will return your money no questions asked.


Direct download: 3_Steps_to_Lose_Weight_Before_the_New_Year.mp3
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